Journey And You

Aren't you tired of finding the best route to your journey of life?

Perhaps even Google Maps isn't at your rescue!
Tangled between the careers to pursue,
The day started with the prime thoughts to be accomplished by you,
only to end up the day being ineffective?

Made plentiful choices every day, compared it with others route's but at last, you couldn't buckle it up!

Trying to find the route with less hustle, you ended up caging your mind that was born to conquer!

When you realised no route is without the hustle, 
the world said 'It's time up '.

Pondering more about the future, you wasted the present.

Instead of starting the journey, your choices desired to have plenty of pit stops!

"No work is without hardships, failures and detours, but to experience all this you need to start the tour".

©The Brain Buzzer
