Wildlife Desolation

We are unsympathetic human,
So superior but miserably pathetic! 

For the comfortable couch
we make animals scream ouch :( 
Your desires made me to satire this.

The Ivory, The Rhino Horn, Turtles shell are this just money for you. Perhaps their everything, that you snatch away for penny fame!

The national animal of India counts just less than 2500 matures in wilds.  

Isn’t it that we should be called Wild than these poor creatures, born just to die for our unnecessary needs.

Can’t you live without the tiger skin rug in your house? 
Are we showcasing our richness? Perhaps it lies in the wilds, we have been destructing since ages.

Isn't it unfair deeds to these, ' Poaching, smuggling, desolation, wildfire the very reason for their extinction.'

"None is to blame, every deed is for fame. 
To end it with, even you are not safe."
