The Digital Era

It all commenced with a smartphone in the hand and guidance of its usage.

Surely, the motive wasn’t to involve in digital abuse nor digital accuse but for digital use.

As they said the sphere got smaller, we got attached to millions of hearts and minds ❣

A million stories came ahead and we explored the one we adored, shared the one we could connect and that’s how we started to grow substantially.

Substantial development is what many countries are hunting for! 

There is development in a particular region only when there are a real cause and a proper solution for them.
Problems were exposed online, fruitful mind gave cures.

It takes a lot to make these cures an existence but for sure it will happen soon and the world will roar.


Digital Era emerged with social media!

The more dramatic hearts in the present world are due to the usage of social media🙁 

It’s because many lack the proper awareness of Social Media and it’s practice.

Social media is more of influencing the person's beliefs than comparing lifestyle with others.

The one who doesn't start comparing himself stands out of this race because it's meant to showcase your creativity, that is nurtured in a regular ingredient.

Several talents got a platform to rise and to ace.

Take your time, there is no need to pace.
Art grows with consistency, not speed.
The person with a hurry mind might miss the deliciousness of life.

You are in the world of increasing knowledge, 

There is so much to learn together than to fight single-handedly.
Ultimately, your knowledge and its utilisation drove you apart!

There is a saying " If you don't update your knowledge today, you're outdated tomorrow".

You come jointly and share your opinions.

Some criticise by saying awful and some by even fair, it differs with individuals but surely it develops us to face the society that is made of analysts and reviewers. 

But to be recalled 'Never let anyone blow your self-esteem and consider yourself accidental to have someone who helps you to prosper it'.

Lastly, you need to rise till you fall and again rise.

©The Brain Buzzer
